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Frequently asked Q's

Need a little help?? How about you check out these frequently asked questions first. They might be of a little assistance. If the question you need answered is not here, please visit our requests page and send your question to the provided email address. We will try to answer you as soon as possible!! 

Got any questions of your own?

How do I use the themes? 

 With help on how to use the themes, please visit our themes page and read the provided text. It explains how to get the theme codes and where to place them.

 A theme is not working on my soup! HELP!

 If a theme is not working on your soup, it's most likely because you have not chosen a layout to work with it. To choose between the different layouts, click the design button on your soup and choose between the provided layout until you find one that is compatible with the code. If the theme still isn't working, visit our requests page and submit a compliant. 

The theme works but the pictures are cut off?!

OMG! No need to panic!! All you need to do is change one thing with the code. 
Find the line of text the reads : 



(The number may be different depending on what theme you chose).

If you don't have this line of text, simply add it to your theme code.

Change the number until it fixes the pictures. Try something like: 422, 520, or 500. 
do not delete the px; 

​  I think I may have the wrong theme? 

     If this is ever the case (and we hope it's not), simply send in your complaint on our requests page.


Not all of the question/answers below are helpful. Further assistance can be given by emailing with any of the questions below or sending in your own question to be answers. If you don't understand something or if you need some extra codes you can contact us for that as well!

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